The Facts About Weight Loss Supplements

The fact about weight loss

"Oh if I could just lose weight and look absolutely sexy by popping a magic pill" is the secret dream of many weight loss seekers. With so many weight loss supplement manufacturers claiming that you could basically get thinner and lose fat by taking colorful capsules, a large number of overweight individuals are simply taken on. But what are the myths and facts about weight loss supplements? 
You ought to be well-informed so you can make the right decisions for your weight reduction program.

 You Can Change Your Metabolism

 studied sets of twins where one was fat and the other thin, and learned that fat cells in heavier twins  underwent metabolic changes that make it more difficult to burn fat.  suspects that gaining as little as  11 pounds can slow metabolism and send you spiraling into a vicious cycle: As you gain more fat, it    becomes harder to lose it.

How to get back on track? “The more I learn on the job, the more I’m convinced we need physical     activity,” . Once a chubby child herself, she now runs regularly and is at a healthy weight.

 Some People Just Have More Fat Cells

And the range is enormous, with some people having twice as many fat cells as others have, says Kirsty Spalding, PhD, of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Even if you’ve lost a few pounds (or gained some), your fat-cell count remains, holding tight to the fat already inside and forever thirsting to be filled up with more. (To add insult to injury, the fat cells of overweight and obese people hold more fat too.)
New fat cells emerge during childhood but seem to stop by adolescence. Those of us destined to have a lot of these cells probably start producing them as young as age two. The cells’ rate of growth may be faster, too—even if kids cut way back on calories.

Alcohol A Virus Can Cause Obesity

Adenoviruses are responsible for a host of ills, from upper respiratory tract problems to gastrointestinal troubles. The link to fat was uncovered when researchers at the University of Wisconsin injected chickens with the viruses and found that certain strains fattened them up.

Stem cells, known for their chameleonlike abilities to transform, also turned into fat cells when infected with the viruses. “The virus seems to increase the number of fat cells in the body as well as the fat content of these cells,” says Nikhil Dhurandhar, PhD, now an associate professor of infections and obesity at Pennington.

Human studies, including comparisons of twins, suggest that obese people are indeed more likely to harbor antibodies for a particular virus, known as adenovirus-36.
We have flu shots; could an obesity vaccine be the next step? It may sound far-fetched, but “that’s what they said about cervical cancer too,” 

some myths

  • Hoodia, an African herb, can effectively suppress your appetite. There are some anecdotal evidence about the powers of hoodia, although many questions still remain about its efficiency. In Africa, hoodia is used to suppress the hunger of those travelling long journeys in the desert. Hoodia contains the active ingredient P57 that research suggests makes animals eat less when it is injected in their brains. However, this effect cannot be replicated in humans taking hoodia capsules. The fact is, more studies have to be conducted about the effect of hoodia in reducing weight for humans, that's why its safety and ability to suppress appetite hasn't been proven.

  •  "All I need to do is take weight loss supplements to lose weight. I don't need to go on a diet or exercise". Take a good look at your supplement label. You'll find that it says that you also need to stick to a healthy diet and exercise if you want to shed pounds. Virtually all weight loss supplements' labels say that, along with the advice of every dietitian and weight expert. Weight loss pills are supposed to boost your healthy diet and exercise program, not replace it, as in the case of Alli. When taking Alli, you'll need to eat a low-fat diet, or else you'll experience unpleasant side effects. You'll be limiting your fat intake to 15 grams at most per meal if you're taking Alli. It means that if you're taking such weight loss supplements (as Alli), you'll need to make changes in your diet.

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