Weight Loss - Quick Fix Diet


A quick fix diet asks you to eat less in a period of three days to a month long. In fact most quick fix diet options are based on three day starvation diets. For three days you eat cabbage soup, other soup, drink juice, and take in about 600 to 900 calories per day. This allows you to lose close to ten pounds in those three days depending on your body. Not every person is the same, so you may not lose that much or you could lose more.

These 3 reasons to skip the quick fix diet may have you reconsidering:

  • Lack of Variety :

Quick fix diets can drastically limit the variety in your diet, which isn’t just a little boring but can also result in nutritional deficiencies.  Experts agree that the best way to get nutrients isn’t from a pill but from a healthy and well-rounded diet.  This means opting for various whole grains, lean protein, colorful fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and low fat dairy products throughout the week to ensure adequate vitamins and minerals to fuel your body.  Keeping good-for-you foods like these in the fridge at home and ordering these healthier choices at restaurants can help you stay satisfied and on-track wherever you are.

  • Weight gain :

You read that right.  Quick fix diets may deliver on short-term promises but long-term is another story.  Reasons for this weight gain include:
Food and food group restriction, which can lead to overeating once the diet is over  
Unhealthy habits that are not addressed and altered  
Lack of education, which can lead to misunderstanding of healthful choices at home and when dining out
Missing real-world strategies such as how to navigate social situations and the best ways to eat healthy at restaurants

  • Mood Killer:

 Restrictive, quick fix diets are notorious for causing moodiness, and nobody wants that!  This moodiness as well as depression, fatigue, irritability, intense cravings and more can all be a result of nutritional deficiencies in the diet due to the lack of variety.  This is exactly the opposite of the confidence you’re looking for!

Quick fix diet tips

  • Kick the booze : 

If you drink your maximum recommended units (21 per week for women), then you are taking in more than 1,000 extra calories. Strengthen that willpower and try to cut alcohol as much possible in the lead up to the big day.

  • Always eat breakfast:

If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it’s best to make wise food choices. That’s where fruits, vegetables,  Because these are high-fiber foods, they fill you up – yet they bring less fat to the table.

  • Don’t scrimp on protein: 

Eat a portion of protein at lunchtime – to help avoid an energy slump in the afternoon, which could have you heading for the vending machine.

  • Eat mindfully: 

You can’t afford to ‘waste’ calories by eating mindlessly at the fridge, or straight from the saucepan. Make sure that you sit down to savour all your meals and snacks.

  • Hydrate: 

Drink plenty of fluids.Water keeps your throat and lips moist and prevents your mouth from feeling dry. Dry mouth can cause bad breath and/or an unpleasant taste–and can even promote cavities.

  • Get a smaller plate: 

swap your normal plate for a slightly smaller one, it makes your meals seem larger and you'll find your 'full switch' will flip a little faster.
Say no to processed food – If it comes in a packet, leave it on the supermarket shelf, you’re automatically eliminating food manufacturers’ high fat and high sugar products.

  • Move more: 

remember as well as cutting calories you can burn them too – make sure you compliment the 10-point plan with physical activity.

  • Mix it up:   make sure you don’t eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and 

  • dinner day-in day-out.

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