meditation can make us more aware of, and even reduce, negative emotions, which cause much of our over-eating to begin with. It actually helps us to combat stress and become more aware of our thoughts, feelings and emotions, moment to moment. When we’re stressed, our body releases stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol. Cortisol actually stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism for fast energy and it may actually increase appetite. Meditation can be an antidote. While you meditate you release hormones like oxytocin, the “love” hormone and serotonin the “feel good” hormone.
How Meditation Helps You Lose Weight
First, start with a meditation where you think about your eating habits. Slip on your headphones, put on your favorite Omharmonics track, relax, and think about when you tend to overeat; what factors trigger your overeating; which foods you reach for without even thinking about it…Stress, depression and boredom are all emotions that push people to overeat. Eating is a simple task that only requires a one-track mindset. It’s so easy to eat! Unfortunately, you can end up taking in an entire day’s worth of calories, or more, in one sitting. Meditation can help you control these behaviors through carefully practiced self-discipline and deeper emotional connections with yourself.
In fact, meditation can help...
combat stress,
lower blood pressure,
improve your heart health and
assist those who are suffering from Type 2 diabetes.
In addition, new studies also now indicate meditation may help you put down that cookie as well.
Your Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex.
There's a small area in your brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. This area of the brain is responsible for controlling impulse-like behavior. For instance, if you choose to reach for a second serving of food because it tasted good, your dorsolateral prefrontal cortex isn't doing its job very well. Likewise, if you know you should not eat a piece of cake at the party, but you do: you can thank your dorsolateral prefrontal cortex area of your brain for giving you the go ahead.Meditation And The Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. The great news is through meditation, you can strengthen the willpower center of your brain. You can have it grow larger, which will then give you much more willpower whenever you are trying to fend off those cravings or stick to your diet plan.
A Weight Loss Self-Reprogramming Exercise To Try Today
Choose a mantra for yourself. This involves focusing on what your current urge is. Choose a word such as “hungry,” or whatever food you are craving – anything that comes to mind that triggers your urge to eat. You will be repeating this word over and over in your mind during meditation so pick something you know that you need to “hear”.Next, allow word associations to come through your mantra. If your mantra is “hungry”; some words that may come to mind are “food,” “chips,” “cheesecake” or other things you want to eat that contribute to your weight loss struggle.
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