Gearing up to start a new weight loss diet plan? You may have come across a plan called the If It Fits Your Macros approach. What's this all about and should you use it? Let us give you a brief primer on this approach and the details you need to be aware of to get you started successfully...
What The "If It Fits Your Macros" Approach Is.
With the IIFYM approach, you are going to calculate out how many calories you need as well as how many grams of carbs, proteins, and fats you will take in each and every day. With that, you then can pick and choose any foods you desire as long as at the end of the day; you end up with those numbers. Since your total fat loss progress is very much dictated by the total amount of calories you consume, proponents of this approach claim you can virtually eat anything you like and still lose weight.
While many diets are meticulous about which foods you can and can’t eat, how much you can have, and even when you consume it, for some people, the excessive restrictions can be a recipe for failure.
Instead, the IIFYM diet aims to get away from that — focusing on the three most important energy sources needed for our bodies to function properly. We’re talking about protein, carbohydrates and fat (aka macronutrients, or macros). How it works: Calculate your daily caloric needs, then split those calories into 40 percent carbohydrates, 40 percent protein and 20 percent fat, the ratio that IIFYM proponents say is the most effective for muscle growth, fat burning and consistent energy levels.
Keep in mind, there has been some debate on whether or not this diet is in fact more or less effective than “eating clean,” and if a calorie is a calorie regardless of the macro composition of the diet you’re following. However, some studies support it and numerous individuals have reported success with this diet. If you think IIFYM could work for you, here’s what you need to know.
It’s late in the afternoon and time for your fourth meal of the day: Six ounces of grilled chicken, one cup of rice, and a mix of green veggies. Sound familiar? And monotonous? Even the most dedicated bodybuilder or physique competitor dreads the same old routine. Hence, flexible dieting, or "If It Fits Your Macros" (IIFYM), has taken root in fitness culture and gone mainstream. IIFYM is a based on the principle of “calories in, calories out”, which means you won’t gain weight, regardless of food choice, so long as you don’t exceed your total caloric needs for the day. For the fitness enthusiast, IIFYM takes this concept a step further by taking macronutrient requirements for building muscle and fat burning into account.
Suddenly, pizza, burgers, and ice cream are all back on the menu. But there’s a lot you need to know before you dive in. On the following slides, we’ve culled five crucial points from our panel of experts. If you decide that IIFYM is right for you, you can calculate your daily needs using the Muscle & Fitness food pyramid. Then, be prepared to write down everything you eat and calculate the macros throughout the day; IIFYM won’t work for you if you’re not careful about measuring your portion sizes.
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