what are whole grains ?

what are whole grains

Whole grains are a necessary part of your diet. This basically means that when processing the grains to make the item, the producer uses the outside and inside of the kernel. This ensures that you get all the nutrients and fiber the food has to offer. White flour for example, is not whole grain because it does not contain the outer layer of the kernel.

Bran is the outer layer of the whole grain kernel. It contains fiber, vitamin B, minerals, and proteins. The fiber component of the bran is beneficial when it comes to weight loss. Fiber is a component of food that helps our stomachs to fill up faster and stay fuller longer. Therefore, by consuming foods that contain fiber, we will eat less and thereby consume less calories. The vitamin B component of the Bran promotes energy production, a healthy nervous system, good digestion, as well as healthy skin, hair, and nails. The minerals contained within Bran help to strengthen our teeth and bones, boost our immune system, and increase our production of blood cells. Like minerals, the proteins contained within the Bran are required for the structure, function, and regulation of our bodies tissues and organs.

whole grains examples:

Brown rice.
Bulgur (cracked wheat)
Whole-wheat bread, pasta or crackers.

Whole Grains I Avoid 

-Any largely mass produced product in a package, box or bag.
-Any grains that have words I cannot pronounce under 'ingredients'.

types of whole grains:

Lower triglycerides
Lower blood pressure
Improve insulin control
Ease constipation and other digestive disorders
Help with weight management
Slow the buildup of plaque in your arteries

whole grain recipes:

Give Yourself Time: Because the best whole grains to eat are fiber and nutrient dense, they take far longer to cook than do refined grains. For example, brown rice takes about 30-45 minutes to cook up, and quinoa takes about 20-25 minutes to cook. Try making all of your whole grains in advance, and then reheat during the week for all your meals. Also, if you soak the grains for a few hours beforehand, they will have a shorter cooking time. Also, your trusty slow cooker is great for cooking with whole grains.

gluten free whole grains:

It is a simple matter to incorporate a few healthier choices back into a gfree diet. One way is to cook and bake with gluten free whole grains. Another is to add fresh fruits into baked goods.

These Pear Muffins are simple to prepare, everything gets a quick blitz in the food processor, and are a healthy way to start the day. Filled with whole grain, brown rice flour and pears, they are as delicious as they are nutritious.

whole grains benefits:

For the most health benefits, whole grain foods ought to be combined with fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and nutritious fats (such as coconut oil, avocados, and extra-virgin olive oil). Whenever you can, avoid processed foods, soys, sugars, meats, and large amounts of milk products. Food items that are processed or consist of chemicals or refined sugars can be dangerous to your health.

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1 Comment to "what are whole grains ?"

Defesa said...

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