Menopause Weight Loss - How to Lose Weight After Menopause

Menopause Weight Loss

menopause is a pretty confusing stage of life that woman have to navigate through. Besides the many emotional effects caused by menopause, dealing with the physical changes that the body experiences in most cases can be the greatest challenge a menopausal woman will face.

There are number of reasons for weight gain during menopause. One is slowed and inefficient digestion that is a consequence of getting older. This keeps food in the digestive tract longer, ensuring that you absorb more nutrients - including fat and calories - from your food.

Before you can learn how to lose menopause weight you need to understand what is happening to the body during menopause. Hormones, in particular oestrogen, decline during menopause. With the decline in hormone levels often comes a degree of general discomfort with symptoms including hot flushes, dry skin and hair, loss in bone density and feelings of anxiety and depression.

The hormonal changes of menopause - principally decreased estrogen levels - also cause weight gain. This is because estrogen and fat production are linked; fat cells help regulate estrogen production. When estrogen levels decrease in menopause, the body may try to hold on to as much fat as possible to counteract this drop in hormone levels. Hormones and body fat work together in an intricate biofeedback loop that affects appetite, metabolism, and fat storage.

To achieve menopause weight loss be warned there is no easy magic red button you can press to shed those pounds.

Key components needed for menopausal weight loss:

Trust yourself!! Seriously, you can and will do this, and do it well. You are in control of you. Believe in, and trust yourself.

Don't listen to the voices of others who proclaim they know what is best for us. This includes me, or answers from anywhere and anyone else. Listen to yourself, know yourself. The answers are from within.

Lack of exercise is as good a reason why menopause weight loss is difficult for many women. Yes, I know there is a lack of enthusiasm when mood swings and depression come into play but it's up to you to be mentally strong enough to drag yourself out for at least a 30 minute walk every day.

Protein is essential in any well balanced diet. Fish high in omega 3, lean selections of beef, pork, and chicken are good choices for proteins. Beans, lentils, and soy products are also good sources of protein.

Carbohydrates: Carbs are the primary source of energy and you must include a certain portion of carbs in your daily diet. Some dieticians might advice you to give up carbs completely, but I would say, NO. Carbs give us energy, strength and stamina to carry on. So these are a must as well.

Drinking water cuts out hunger. Sometimes when you think your hungry your body actually wants water.
clean water can be a fantastic way to naturally increase rate of metabolism and also in helping menopause weight loss efforts.

A diet generating tool is important to maintain control over nutritional requirements. Just enter the foods you like, and the foods you know you need to full fill your nutritional requirements. With this information, the tool will generate a well balanced meal at the push of a button.

Changing your diet for the better is essential for menopause weight loss. Go for more green - vegetables, fruits, natural juices, and avoid those foods that are jam-packed with fat and bad cholesterol.

Different food choices are going to need to be made for menopause weight loss. Healthier food choices, avoidance of white flour products, high sugary foods and fats will all be necessary. Try keeping track of everything you eat and drink for awhile. This will give you a very clear picture of where your calories are coming from and what changes you will need to make. Also, talking to a nutritionist about better food choices would be fantastic.

You should walk as much as possible. Instead of taking the bus on your way to work or on your way to the mall, why not take a walk? Believe me, 10 to 20 minutes of walk can make a lot of difference!

Get a CD or video game to work out in the privacy of your own home. That avoids the "I don't have time" excuse.

Avoid stress and learn relaxation. Stress been proven to add menopause weight and to make symptoms such as hot flashes much worse. Stress also speeds up the aging process.

Control your mood swings: You must do that!! Sometimes mood swings can lead to overeating and this is more of a psychological practice. Also menopause leads to frequent mood swings and depressions and therefore the risk prevails. Try to go out and unwind yourself once in a while and don't give up your normal course of life after menopause. Menopause is as normal as your life, so try to accept it.

Remember to trust your vision, trust yourself.

"What You Can Conceive and Believe, Is What You Will Achieve." - Earl Nightingale

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