BMI Body Mass Index: What Is It?

body mass index chart

The human body is like most lazy things are... resistant to change. The body has its own processes due to which, it seems clear that it only takes corrective measures to solve any problems, but never drastic ones. That's the where the actual human mind or conscience comes into play. The human will is the counterpoint to its own stubbornness. To affect any measurable change, a great deal of effort is required to establish a routine that affects a long-term impact on our overall health.

The Body Mass Index is one of the measures of the body's current state with regards the current weight, height, and gender are taken into account. This index gives you a good starting point in assessing your current state and working accordingly.

The Body Mass Index basically indicates four states. These are, underweight, normal, overweight and obese. Your weight is directly relatable on the Index. For instance, some guy who is 5 and a half feet tall should weigh around 69 kilograms to be considered to be midway on the Index i.e. the index value would be around 22. This would be considered ideal.

On the lower end of the Index, values approaching 19 indicate the concerned person is underweight. Index values around 25 are an indication of the concern being overweight. Anything beyond 25 is considered obese.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is the number used to represent a person's weight and height. For most people, BMI is a reliable way to calculate body fat, but does not directly measure body fat. Calculating a person's BMI is not a direct measure of body fat, but it does function as an inexpensive and easy way to assess body fat and screen for weight categories that may lead to later health problems.


BMI is calculated as one's weight (in Kg) divided by height (in meters) squared.

There are a selection of formulae available on wikipedia site under Body Mass Index. This covers people who use imperial measurements.

This method of measuring weight was developed sometime between 1830 and 1850 by a guy called Adolphe Quetelet. I wonder what made him think of it. It used to be called the Quetelet index until the 1970s when it was realised that obesity was becoming a concern in westernised societies. A research paper was then released by Ancel Keys stating however that Body Mass Index should be used only when considering whole population groups. He felt it was inappropriate for use in individuals but it became popular as it meant health professionals could objectively talk with patients about their weight - People do get a bit defensive if you are talking too personally about how fat you might think they are. This way it can be shown very clearly that there is or is not a problem whether over or under weight.

So, go on, calculate your BMI.

So what is your number? And where do you fit?

Classification--------------------------BMI---------------------Risk of disease
Underweight ------------------------ Less than 18.5--------------------------Low

Healthy Weight ----------------------- 18.5 - 24.9-------------------------------Average

Overweight -----------------------------25.0-29.9-------------------------- Mildly Increased

Obese Class 1------------------------30.0 - 34.9------------------------------ Moderate

Class 2----------------------------------35.0 - 39.9-----------------------------------High

Class 3----------------------------------Above 40.0-------------------------------Very High

But one problem with BMI calculators is that it tends to overestimate fatness for people that are muscular. To solve this problem there body mass index calculators have included in them extra statistics to show a more informative and accurate rating.

Most women believe that they look their best at a BMI of 20 to 22. They prefer these measurements for in these ranges they look sexier and more attractive as several reviews said. Men on the other hand say that they look most muscular or at least more attractive at body mass indexes of 23 to 25.

The Body Mass Index formula has been invented a Belgian Polymath, Adolphe Quetelet in the 1830s to the 1850s and has first been called the Quetelet index. The calculation is the ratio of your weight divided by your height squared. With the innovation of the internet and help from numerous sites and pediatricians, Body Mass Index Calculators can be used online. You can just go online and search for the calculators and numerous sites will be willing to help you calculate you own Body Mass Index. These services are free. Use services from sites that will give accurate information. Check the reviews on the sites and take a look for yourself if the information required in calculating your Body Mass index is comprehensive enough.

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