duodenal switch surgeons-weight loss

duodenal switch surgeons-weight loss

The procedure duodenal switch (DS), also known as biliopancreatic diversion by duodenal switch (BPD-DS) or gastric reduction duodenal switch (GRDS) is a type of surgery performed for treating some cases of obesity.

The restrictive part of the surgery involves the removal of approximately 70% of the stomach along the greater curvature.

duodenal switch surgeons for weight loss

The main advantage of the duodenal switch  (DS) surgery is that the combination of moderate restriction intake with significant collaboration of calories leads to a higher percentage of excess weight loss than purely restrictive gastric bypass surgery for all individuals  The analysis of the System Meta weight loss surgery Burch and et al.
 Type 2 diabetic patients 98% were "treatment" ] (i.e. became euglycemic) almost immediately after the operation due to a metabolic effect switch intestine. The results are so favorable that some surgeons in Europe operate under the "key" or bowel surgery for non-obese patients about the benefits of the treatment of diabetes. The novel features aimed at the treatment of diabetes and not necessarily to induce weight loss. Among the most notable of these features is the duodenum, jejunum and ileum transmission bypass, duodenal switch which is part of the operation. 
The following observations reported resolution of obesity-related comorbidities after duodenal switch :. 2 diabetes, 99%, 99%, hyperlipidemia, sleep apnea formula and 92% hypertension 83% 
Because the pyloric valve between the stomach and the small intestine is maintained, people who have suffered in the DS do not experience dumping syndrome often occurs in people who have suffered in the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RNY). Most of the production of the hormone of hunger, ghrelin, is removed using a large curvature of the stomach.
A summary can be found on the poster
Diet after the DS is more normal and better tolerated than with other surgical interventions.
Malabsorptive DS component is not completely reversible, as the small intestine is actually removed, only changing course.
duodenal switch surgery
Among the disadvantages of this surgical procedure are in fact being invasive and complicated and also to show a bad subsequent absorption of several vitamins and proteins

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